Wassup folks! Have you ever had that awkward moment when you needed a permission letter from your parents and you just didn't know what to write? Well, fret not my friends because I have found the ultimate solution! I stumbled upon this hilarious example of a permission letter and I just had to share it with you guys. Trust me, you won't regret reading it!
Firstly, let's talk about the title of the letter. Now, we've all written formal letters before and we know how boring they can be. But this person, Dawn Hullender, decided to spice things up a little bit. Can you imagine writing a permission letter with the title "Contoh Surat Rasmi Kebenaran Ibu Bapa"? I mean, I don't even know what that means, but it sounds funny as heck!
That's not even the best part. The URL of the letter is something else. It's so long and complicated that I couldn't even begin to try to explain it. All I know is that it's a Google URL and it has the word "proxy" in it. I mean, what does that even mean? It's like Google is trying to hide something from us, but we found it anyway!
But let's get back to the letter itself. There are a few things that Dawn did that I just have to commend her on. Firstly, she used the phrase "fancy-shmancy school" to describe the place where her child will be visiting. I mean, who says "fancy-shmancy" anymore? It's hilarious! Secondly, she talked about how her child is "sooo responsible" and "can handle himself". I don't know about you guys, but every time my mom says that about me, I know I'm about to get into some serious trouble.
Overall, this permission letter is just too funny not to share. If you ever need to write a permission letter, just take inspiration from Dawn Hullender and add a little bit of humor to it. I guarantee you, it'll make the process so much more enjoyable. And hey, if all else fails, just use the title "Contoh Surat Rasmi Kebenaran Ibu Bapa". That's sure to get a few laughs!
Contoh surat rasmi kebenaran
If you are looking for Surat kebenaran lawatan, you've visit to the right page. We have pics like Surat kebenaran lawatan, contoh surat rasmi memberi kebenaran, contoh surat rasmi memohon kebenaran contoh surat. Here you go:
Surat kebenaran, contoh surat rasmi memberi kebenaran
Surat kebenaran slideshare upcoming. Contoh surat kebenaran berniaga contoh surat. Contoh surat kebenaran menjalankan penyelidikan sukacita dimaklumkan. Kebenaran kenderaan rasmi wakil pihak kereta membawa tanah syarikat tukar lain ketiga permohonan memberi premis jabatan kepada pengesahan memandu suami. Kebenaran kenderaan menggunakan rasmi syarikat bawa. Contoh surat rasmi memohon kebenaran contoh surat. Rasmi kebenaran wakil syarikat letter permohonan pernyataan izin tadika berniaga pekerja dokumen resign tnb buat perniagaan menggunakan mohon icons berhenti