Rasmi Ampo

Surat Kiriman Rasmi Format Pt3

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Today's technological advancements are rapidly transforming the way we communicate with each other. As a result, the art of writing formal letters, especially in the context of business and government, is becoming increasingly important. One such example is the formal letter format known as Surat Kiriman Rasmi (SKR). This format is widely used in Malaysia, and it is critical for individuals, especially those in professional settings, to learn how to write them effectively. In this post, we will explore the importance of mastering the SKR format, and provide a useful example for readers to reference.

SKR is a formal letter format used to communicate official messages between individuals, companies, and government agencies. It is recognized as a standard format in Malaysia, and it is particularly useful for situations where legal implications may be involved. Some of the most common uses of SKR include in legal matters, business transactions, and government communications.

When writing an SKR, it is crucial to adhere to a specific format. The letter's heading should contain the sender's name and address, followed by the date of writing. Next, the recipient's name, designation, and address are listed. The salutation must be formal and should address the recipient's title and name. The main body of the letter should be concise, clear, and should contain the purpose of the letter. The closing should be formal and should include the sender's signature, name, designation, and contact information.

For many individuals, writing an SKR can be intimidating, particularly if they are not familiar with the format. However, with practice, anyone can master the SKR format. There are several resources available, including online tutorials and sample letters, that can be referenced to help individuals develop their SKR writing skills. This skill is particularly important for individuals in professional settings, such as business settings, government agencies, and legal firms where formal communication is critical.

To provide a practical example of an SKR, we have included a sample letter below:

Surat Kiriman Rasmi

Tarikh: 22 Januari 2022

Pegawai Kewangan

Unit Kewangan

Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri

Lot 12, Jalan Universiti

50603 Kuala Lumpur


Sukacita saya ingin memaklumkan bahawa biasiswa yang diberikan telah disahkan oleh pihak pentadbir.

Sekian, terima kasih.


Ali bin Abu

Penerima Biasiswa


In conclusion, the ability to write an effective SKR is a critical skill for individuals in professional settings. By following the correct format and practicing, individuals can become proficient in this area and confidently write formal letters that meet the standards and expectations of the Malaysian business and government community.

Surat kiriman rasmi format pt3

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